A reminder to everyone this is a fun, friendly league geared toward newer players, or experienced players trying out a new army. As such, we do have points caps, as well as a compulsory game at the points minimum for the first game of each escalation. Not to worry though, with optional list building challenges and a new bonus game format, there should be something for everyone to enjoy during this league.  

League Starts September 23. Cost is $30.00. Please pay and sign up at the store. If you buy a $200.00 or more model set in the month of September, you get free entry into the league. Keep in mind this only comes when paying retail price, so the 15% discount will not apply on ordered items if you wish to use that purchase to enter the league. 

Pairings will be posted here on discord. It is the responsibility of each player to monitor for their pairings and contact to arrange a match.

As stated, as an Escalation league we want to encourage building and trying new armies, so each round will have scaling points levels. Players paired will have to select the points level they want to play at that falls within the points scaling. The lower points requested between two players will always be used. NO exceptions. Matchup 1-3 are 500pts - 1500pts, Matchup 4-6 are 750pts - 1750pts and matchup 7-9 are 1,000pts - 2,000pts.     


Each Player will receive points to advance in the overall standings as follows: Win – 3 points, Tie – 2 points, Loss – 1 point, Forfeit – 0 points


List Building Challenge:

Each round there will be a list building challenge. It is up to each player to decide if they will take up the challenge. Each player who does will receive an additional point. (ex. A player who loses a game will receive 1 point in the standings. If that player also built their list according to the challenge, they will receive a bonus point, so actually receive 2 points in the standings)



Pairings - On the Sunday before the round starts, the new pairings will be posted. Players will be responsible for coordinating a game with their opponent in the next 14 days. The result of this game must have the game sheet or photo of it posted on the discord escalation league thread, and please indicate which players completed the list building challenge.   

Scheduling – All games must be played at Hob’s Hobbies during normal business hours. It is recommended you contact Nathalie at sales@hobshobbies.com to reserve your table. Space will be on a first come first served basis for walk ins. The times available to play are: 

Tuesday 3-9

Wednesday 3-6 (No Warhammer during DnD)

Thursday 3-9

Friday 3-9

Saturday 10-9

Sunday 12-5

When playing at the store, please understand that the store closes promptly at the posted times. It is not fair to expect Nathalie, John or Chris to stay after these times waiting for games to wrap up. I would say make sure you stop playing about 20-30 minutes before close to leave enough time to wrap up and put away mats and terrain. If you do run over time, score the game based on the last completed battle round. Respect everyone’s time. If you do not have time to play a higher point level, I recommend playing at a lower level that will fit with your time and availability. As a reminder, generally a 500 point game takes an hour, 1000 points takes 2, and 2000 takes 3. Keep in mind that these times are based on experienced players who know their armies. New players or new armies will take longer. 

Bonus Games – Bonus games will be similar to last time in which you can use ANY army for them. The format is a bit different though, as you will get 1 point for each bonus game win at the following points levels: 500-1000, 1001-1500, 1501-2000. So there are still 3 points up for grabs, but you will need to play at least 3 games to get them. Once again post these to the channel, and note that it was a bonus game, and how many points you played at. 


Extensions will not be granted lightly. All players have a two week window with 12 days available to book a game. If you and your opponent do not have time to get a game in at the maximum points level, I suggest you reduce your points. An appeal may be made to myself or Jon for an extension, but we need a confirmed date for your game extension prior to being approved. If one of the two players paired has no availability compared to their opponent, a loss may be handed out if a suitable time for a game cannot be found. If an extension is granted, and agreed upon by both parties, the game MUST be played at the point minimum for that round. No extensions will be granted if a player already has one.


A forfeit will be given to:

·       Any players who do not respond to their opponent for a game within the time limit of the round

·       Players who do not report their games on time

·       Players who cancel their game within an hour of the proposed time (emergency circumstances will be considered and ruled on by the admins) 



Awards will be offered to the following players, and each award is exclusive. In addition, a player who receives an award will also receive a prize to accompany their award.

1st Place – 30% of prize pool 

2nd Place – 20% of prize pool

3rd Place - 10% of prize pool

Best In League (Best Paint, Basing, theme and overall hobbying) voted on by players - 15% of prize pool

Best Sportsman  voted on by players – 15% of prize poolWooden Spoon (Player who has the least amount of points without dropping from the league and has no forfeits) – 10% of prize pool